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VPN Keeps Disconnecting – How to Fix VPN Keeps Disconnecting Issue?

If you use VPN regularly, it becomes quickly annoying when your VPN keeps disconnecting. A lot of premium VPN services offer kill switches that disconnect your internet connection whenever the VPN connection drops. This ensures that it protects your IP address from being vulnerable.

While this feature is great, you need to fix the VPN keeps disconnecting issue. You can face VPN keeps disconnecting and reconnecting problems for a lot of reasons. 

In this guide, we’ll guide you on how to fix VPN keeps disconnecting issues. We’ll also teach you about what you can do to improve your internet connection so you can prevent your VPN from disconnecting. 

7 Reasons why Your VPN Keeps Disconnecting

Some VPNs don’t give you a notification when the connection drops. This means your IP is exposed while you keep on browsing. You can tweak your notification settings in your VPN app. If you can find settings for notifications when your VPN disconnects, enable the setting. 

Here are some reasons why your VPN keeps disconnecting.

1. Your Connection Has too Much Latency

VPN makes and maintains an encrypted tunnel between your device, and a remote VPN server.

Every ten seconds, the VPN service sends a ping to the server to maintain the tunnel. If the server takes more than 2 minutes to respond, the connection will disconnect. 

If you have a slow internet connection, or if your latency is too high, then it makes your VPN connection stops working. There are a number of online speed tests that will tell you how well your connection works. 

2. Network Connection Issues

Your internet connection relies on a number of factors. A small break in the connection can cause your VPN to disconnect. 

You could be having issues with your broadband connection, WiFi service, or your router. Any small issue in your internet service means your VPN will disconnect.

If your internet connection is used by a lot of people, then it could lead to your VPN stopping working. Any quality VPN service will automatically reconnect as soon as your internet service starts working seamlessly.

3. VPN Device Limit Reached

Every VPN service has some kind of device limit. Most VPN services give you around 5 device limit. If you’re trying to use a VPN on additional devices after you’re already connected to the limit, the VPN may disconnect.

If there are a lot of devices to protect, you can avoid the device limit by installing the VPN on your router or switching to a VPN provider that offers unlimited device connections. 

4. Your ISP is Blocking VPN Traffic

Some countries have laws and regulations that restrict the use of VPN software. Countries like Belarus, Iraq, and North Korea have forbidden VPN services. Other countries like China and Russia have strongly regulated the use of VPN services. 

If you’re attempting to use a VPN in a highly–censored country like China, chances are your ISP will block the traffic. To get around this problem you’ll need to choose a VPN service with obfuscation technology.

5. VPN Server is Overloaded

VPN servers sometimes get overwhelmed when there are too many users connected to a single server. This could lead to VPN keeps disconnecting issue. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you need to connect to a VPN service that has a lot of servers in several countries. 

One of the best options that we’ve tried in this particular section is Proton VPN. Proton VPN has so many servers in multiple countries. 

How to Fix a VPN that Keeps Disconnecting?

There are some basic things you can do to fix your VPN service. Some of the best options include:

  1. Change your WiFi Settings

If your VPN keeps disconnecting, then chances are you need to fix issues with your WiFi service. Troubleshoot it by connecting it with some other internet connection. If your VPN keeps disconnecting on the second network as well, then you need to change a VPN service. If the VPN service works on another connection, then you need to contact your ISP.

  1. Change your DNS Server

A DNS server connects you to the website you’re trying to visit by translating IP addresses into domain names. Some VPNs allow users to customize their DNS servers through their security settings. 

This can increase the risk of DNS leaks and potentially cause connection issues. So, only do the DNS setting changes if you have knowledge about the settings. 

  1. Use Different Protocols

VPN protocols determine how your device is connected to your VPN server and sends & receives data. You may be using an outdated protocol like IKEv2 or LT2P/IPSec. To be able to connect with different, newer protocols, you should use a VPN like OpenVPN or WireGuard.

ExpressVPN is another great service that has its own proprietary Lightway protocol. This is what allows ExpressVPN to provide fast, easy connections.

  1. Change the Level of Encryption

AES-256 is the standard encryption used by most VPNs. But some VPN services allow you to use the AES-128. You should know that the AES-128 is a bit less secure, but it offers faster connections. 

  1. Use a Different Port

A port is the start and endpoint of your VPN connection. Only 1 port can be used at a time, this can become overcrowded and cause VPN keeps disconnecting issues. 

If this happens, you can change the port and reroute your traffic through it. Changing the port can put your data at risk by altering registry files. The safest way to use VPN is to let you change ports in the app.

FAQs about VPN keeps disconnecting

1. What happens when my VPN disconnects?

If your VPN disconnects and you keep browsing without knowing it, it exposes your IP addresses and opens you up to security risks. When your VPN disconnects, your data becomes visible, and any potential hackers will be able to see all your activities online. 

2. What causes my VPN to disconnect?

There are a number of reasons that can cause your PN service to disconnect. The most common issues include internet service issues, old VPN service, slow internet service, VPN being blocked by other software, overloaded servers, and more. 

Most of the time these issues can be fixed with basic troubleshooting steps. 

3. What to do if my VPN keeps connecting and disconnecting?

A number of solutions exist to fix VPN keeps disconnecting issues. There are a lot of problems with VPN connections. One of the most common reasons for this is if your firewall or antivirus is treating the VPN service as hostile and blocking the traffic from coming in and going out. 

You need to tweak your firewall or antivirus settings to be able to connect and use VPN service seamlessly.